Why Coconut Oil Is Your Answer To Beautiful Skin And Hair

Coconut oil has been used for ages by the Philippines and Polynesian women as a skin and hair care product and they always have beautiful skin and long thick hair.So what makes this oil so wonderful and most sought after by beauticians? The answer lies in the coconut oil abilities to heal, repair and nourish the skin and hair.

Skin care properties of coconut oil

• A very good moisturizer that penetrates deep into the skin to provide the skin with moisture
• Has antioxidants that help fight free radicals that cause skin aging
• Coconut oil has some little sun protecting factors on the body though this should be no reason to leave out your sunscreen
• Coconut oil has some antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and these help in preventing germs and fungi in our bodies.
• Coconut acts as a great relief from people who are suffering from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Coconut oil for hair care

• Coconut oil due to its antibacterial properties is very good for hair lice and dandruff and regular application of this oil will eliminate these conditions completely
• Coconut oil strengthens the hair shaft and also reduces split ends while adding shine to your hair.

How to apply coconut oil to your hair

1.Wash your hair first and allow to dry but not completely
2.While the hair is slightly damp take a sizeable amount of coconut oil and rub on your palms to liquefy the oil and then apply to your hair
3.After full application of coconut oil to your hair, put on a plastic shower cap for around 1 hour to allow for deep penetration of oil to your scalp
4.Wash off oil with a good shampoo


If you are allergic to coconut oil or prone to acne breakouts then avoid it.

With pure virgin coconut oil producing the best effects because of the immense nutrients that is preserved by this oil, one can only be left with two options after reading this article; “to try virgin coconut oil or nit to try it”, you the reader decides!


Article Written by wameyo

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