12 Ways To Prevent And Cure Wrinkly Hands

Wrinkly hands are usually an instant give away of what your age actually is.You may spend time and money on facials and facial creams so as to have a glowing beautiful skin but if you neglect your hands they will eventually get more wrinkles and it will be very hard convincing a "beauty jury" that you are young.So how do you take care of your hands so as to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on them.Read on to discover effective ways of preventing and curing wrinkled hands.

1.Wear gloves: Your hands always come into contact with materials that may dry out your skin and cause wrinkles e.g.hot water, harsh detergents etc.

Always remember to wear rubber gloves so as to minimize the effects of harsh substances wreaking havoc on your beautiful hands.

2.Sunscreen: Every part of your skin needs to be protected from the harsh effects of the sun and your hands are no exception.The sun has been known to speed up the aging process and if you want to prevent wrinkly hands you should make sure you lather sunscreen everyday whenever you go out.

3.Moisturize your skin: Your hands, just like any other part of your skin, needs to be moisturized so as to prevent them from drying out.Remember to effectively moisturize your wrinkled hands especially at night with a good moisturizer e.g.olive oil, coconut oil or Shea butter.

4.Exfoliate your hands: Remember to exfoliate your hands often so as to slough off dead skin cells and reveal the younger looking skin beneath.A very effective way of moisturizing your wrinkly hands would be to prepare a mixture of sea salt and lemon juice and use this mixture to exfoliate your hands.

5.Petroleum Jelly: One effective way of dealing with hands that are wrinkled would be to apply petroleum jelly on them and then cover them with cotton gloves overnight.When this method is done constantly your hands will become smooth and wrinkle free.

6.Use moisturizing soaps: It is advisable to avoid harsh detergents whenever you are bathing and instead opt for soaps with moisturizing agents e.g.cocoa butter and Shea butter.

7.Avoid hot Baths: In order to prevent wrinkled hands you need to avoid hot baths that usually strip off moisture from your skin leaving your hands dry and wrinkly.Instead opt for quick showers and preferably with warm water.

8.Drink lots of water: Moisturizing your skin usually starts from the inside, therefore remember to drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated.

9.Balanced diet: Apart from water, you should have a balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables so as prevent wrinkled hands.Vitamin A and E have been known to work wonders for the skin therefore try to get plenty of foods that are rich in those vitamins.

10.Apply honey on your hands: Honey has a lot of antioxidants that are very beneficial to dry wrinkly hands.Apply honey on your hands often so as to cure and prevent wrinkles on your hands.

11.Massage: A massage will always do wonders to wrinkly hands because it promotes blood circulation which is a good way of reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

12.Exercise: Remember to exercise often so as to promote blood circulation and get rid of wrinkled hands.

A beautiful face should be accompanied by beautiful hands and by preventing wrinkly hands you will have complemented your beautiful face to a large degree.

Article Written by wameyo

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