What Everybody Ought To Know About Raw Honey Health Benefits

Raw honey is honey that has been extracted using methods that preserve all the vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, minerals and other health benefits.Most of the honey found in the local supermarkets is highly processed and have most of its benefits stripped off.Honey usually loses some of its health benefits when heated and pasteurized.Let’s explore some of the raw honey health benefits.

Antibacterial properties: Honey has been used for centuries to heal wounds and its wound healing abilities come from the fact that honey has strong antimicrobial properties that help kill germs and bacteria present in wounds.

Presence of vitamins and minerals: Honey is packed with a lot of vitamins e.g.vitamin C which is a well known powerful antioxidant that scavenges for free radicals.It is also full of the B vitamins and minerals present in raw honey include: sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Helps with digestion: Honey is full of many enzymes which have been found to assist with the digestion process.

This can be easily achieved due to the fact that honey produces bacteria that are considered good and these bacteria assist with digestion which in turn helps to assist those who have diarrhea and digestion related problems.

Beneficial to the heart: Raw honey is god in improving blood circulation and also lowers cholesterol in the body.

Anti-aging properties: The aging process usually involves the gradual depletion of enzymes in our bodies and raw honey has enzymes that can replace the depleted enzymes in our bodies.

N.B.Children who are under 1 year old should not consume raw honey as this can cause infant botulism when spores found in raw honey are digested.

Raw honey has been used for ages, from the times of ancient Egypt till today because of its many health properties which are being discovered everyday.Try it out today and discover the numerous raw honey health benefits that raw honey comes with.

Article Written by wameyo

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